Left to right, Adam, Kim and Aaron Martin of Hoffman Body Shop and Graphics.
He Does a (Car) Body Good
In 2012 Adam Martin gave life to the "graphics" part of Hoffman Body Shop and Graphics. Adam’s parents have owned Akron-based Hoffman Body Shop since 1997 and have grown it into a very successful small business.
Adam wanted to make his own mark on the business and decided graphics was a good place to start. He carved out a small office space in the existing shop, bought a large format printer and cutter, and got to work! His services include graphic design and logo creation, graphics application for various products including ad specialties, clothing, and of course anything auto related; (think cool graphics on cars, motorcycles, race cars, trucks, trailers, semis, and even school buses!). Adam now has two printers, two employees and he occupies a much larger place in the shop. Working alongside his family, he serves customers all over Indiana.
Adam completed FEDCO's Business Planning Class and borrowed start up money from the low interest loan program. Adam proves there are always more opportunities out there and even successful existing businesses can identify new markets and expand their services.