Northern Traders owners, Alan and Sandra Bailey…and Roger.
Treasures abound in this business.
Alan and Sandra Bailey transitioned a struggling furniture business into a bustling antique mall and flea market in 2013. Capitalizing on a love of antique treasure hunting, they set out offer Fulton County the finest in antique and flea market items….and they succeeded.
Today Northern Traders has grown to accommodate over 100 vendor booths and they have a list of vendors waiting to get their products into the store. Through their vendors and their own finds, Northern Traders offers unique items (ask Sandra about camel saddles and a gold tooth some time) and attract customers from over 100 miles away. Their sweet dog, Roger has also become a part of the business and attracts his own fans to the store.
Sandra and Alan have utilized FEDCO’s resources of the NxLevel Business Planning Class and the loan fund along the way. “It’s difficult to say how much the FEDCO program has helped us, says Sandra. It saved our business and we wouldn’t be here today without the help from FEDCO. I’m so glad we did it.” When asked what advice she has for other business owners, Sandy emphasizes the importance of business planning. “The planning process really helped us decide where to spend our money and how to evaluate risks."